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Uretiti Beach Campsite

Uretiti Beach Campsite
Uretiti Beach
NZ(09) 432 1051
Gps: 35° 56' 0.924" S 174° 27' 41.4" E
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


  • Department of Conservation
  • Toilets
  • Cold Showers

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Agree with other review. Cold

Cherry's picture

Agree with other review. Cold shower with view of sky a treat in mild weather.


Submitted by Cherry on Mon, 2015-03-23 15:47

Lovely basic campground.

tetrapod's picture

Lovely basic campground. Hosts present on site - very friendly. The beach is STUNNING.
At present $12 for the first night and $10 thereafter, extra adults $10, not sure cost for children.
Am told this site gets PACKED in summer, but at the moment (winter) there are about seven motorhomes sprinkled around quite widely. Feels like you have the place to yourself.


Submitted by tetrapod on Wed, 2012-07-18 19:42