Tokatoka Peak, the spiky remnant of an ancient volcano, decorates the feature deprived landscape north of Kaipara Harbor. Heading north you can see its pointy protrusion soon after leaving the Kauri Museum. Heading south from Dargaville it looks like Mother Nature is giving you the finger. Either way you can’t miss it once you’re near.
There’s a “steep-as” track to the top which is basically an 8-10 minute dirt staircase—about 420 steps according to a local stoner. Don’t go if it’s wet—it’ll be more slippery than a politician’s palm. The view from the top is worth the effort—Bream headlands to the east, Glinks Gully to the west, Maunganui Bluff to the north, and the river at your feet.
I went here after plenty of